Film, Reviews, Uncategorized, Visual Art

REVIEW: Star Wars Identities Exhibition, The O2

This exhibition is far, far more than just about the films – it gets us thinking about our own identities and genetic make up. 


George Lucas clearly put a lot of thought and detail into the Star Wars series and it is that similar detail and thoughtfulness that comes through this intriguing and exciting new exhibition that will delight fans of all ages.

In one of the most interactive experiences that I have ever had visiting an exhibition, it asks visitors questions about their own lives and genetic make up that make it a very personal experience from beginning to end.

Divided into different sections that looks at the characters identities, behaviour and personality, visitors get an opportunity to explore the characters and the world that George Lucas created from a completely new and different perspective.



As you weave your way through this exhibition, as well as getting to see a glimpse of the costumes and props used, you get treated to seeing some of the clips from the films which also helps to bring focus to the commentary to the different sections whether it is genes or the character development.

At times, this commentary does sound slightly patronising, not revealing anything that perhaps visitors couldn’t have guessed – particularly some of the more scientific references, But perhaps given the age range of the visitors this exhibition is expected to attract this isn’t a surprise.

The highlight of the exhibition is not the interactive elements but also seeing the way in which the concept art showcases the development of ideas of identities for the films. It shows the creativity and imagination of the films as well as the talent involved in creating them.


At times the names of characters, planets and other elements of the films can become slightly overwhelming if you aren’t a die-hard Star Wars fan and it is easy to get confused. But on the other hand for film fans it is still a must-see exhibition to witness this celebration of one of the most successful film series ever made.

Exciting, thought-provoking and well presented, this is an exhibition that has packed a whole lot into it and is worthy of a visit for all Star Wars fans – no matter what age you are.  But more than that it gets you wondering if the world that George Lucas has created is in fact a galaxy so far, far away…


Star Wars Identities is on display at The O2 until the 3rd September 2017. You can also book tickets through Love

Rating: ❤❤❤❤❤

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