Books, Reviews

REVIEW: Atalanta by Jennifer Saint

Jennifer Saint brings the famed huntress’s story to life with vivid detail that captivates from start to finish.

Atalanta’s story is filled with adventure, magical creatures and battle for independence that is breathtaking to read – even if you know how this Greek mythological tale ends.

Beginning with her being abandoned by her family and raised by a family of bears, Atalanta is soon trained as the protege of the Goddess Artemis to become a powerful huntress and fiercely independent to become one of the Argonauts in their quest to claim the famous golden fleece to help bring glory to her name.

As with her previous two novels, Jennifer Saint has a wonderfully vibrant and poetic quality to her writing in capturing Atalanta’s story, from the depths of the forest and living with the nymphs to the voyage and adventures of the Argonauts, the reader feels part of her journey every step of the way.

As well as the battles with a variety of creatures that she faces, she also has to fight with her Argonaut companions who treat her with disdain at first not believing what she is capable of to show them that she is worthy to be part of the quest. While there are moments in which it feels as though Atalanta is more of an observer than an active participant until her skills are needed at various points.

However, on the other side of this the level of detail and quiet introspective nature of Atalanta’s character shine through consistently and keeps the reader enthralled at each and every turn. As character, while her self-assuredness in her abilities might in another author’s hands might come across as arrogant, here it is empowering and you get to see why Atalanta fights for her independence as much as she does – even in her relationship choices and approach to motherhood – it is refreshing.

The pacing feels slightly hit and miss, depending on which aspects that the author tries to focus on (particularly in the light of the famous race she takes part in) – Atalanta’s story deserves to have every aspect strongly focused on. But as mentioned earlier, it is the beauty of the writing and the way in which she breathes life into the characters is fascinating to read as their stories unfold.

For a character who is hidden behind the rest of the Argonauts (particularly Jason and later on Medea), this story does truly bring Atalanta into the spotlight with great style, insight and thoughtfulness. It is a beautiful retelling.

By Emma Clarendon

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐