drama, News, Review Round Up

Review Round Up: John, National Theatre

James MacDonald directs Annie Baker's new play for the National Theatre. Here is what critics have had to say about it...  The week after Thanksgiving. A bed & breakfast in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. A cheerful innkeeper. A young couple struggling to stay together. Thousands of inanimate objects, watching. The Guardian: **** "James Macdonald’s meticulous production, like… Continue reading Review Round Up: John, National Theatre

drama, News, Theatre, Uncategorized

Inside the Rehearsals of… John, National Theatre

Rehearsal images have been released for Annie Baker's John, playing at the National Theatre from the 17th January.  Directed by James Macdonald, this European premiere of  Annie Baker's new play will play at the Dorfman Theatre from the 17th January until the 3rd March. The week after Thanksgiving. A bed & breakfast in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. A… Continue reading Inside the Rehearsals of… John, National Theatre